Mergent Tools
It is in the My Mergent
Tools section of Mergent Online that you will find a number of both familiar
and brand new functionalities including four tool lists and the ability to
create comparison reports based on a personally defined list of companies
rather than the general industry list developed for you in the Report Builder
It consists of four tool
categories accessible through a drop down menu available on the right hand
portion of all company level pages. To
view the categories, click the
in the My Mergent Tools box to expand the
tools drop down list. The categories
- Company
Analysis List
This will always appear first
in the list. The number of
companies currently in your Company Analysis List are displayed in
parenthesis, (…).
- Click the
next to the Company Analysis List tool
to expand the list and view the companies in your list by name and ticker
symbol. Click the icon again to
contract the list.
- Click the Company Analysis List link to open your My
Mergent Tools: Company Analysis List page. Here you will be able to customize the
companies in your list by adding and removing freely as well as creating
comparison reports.
- My
Mergent Tools: Company Analysis List Page – You will notice upon opening the page that there are
4 large list boxes on the page. The
top two boxes are your full Company Analysis List as well as a Comparison
List. The bottom two boxes allow
you to select reporting items and the subsequent list of those items you
select as desired when creating your comparison report.
- Company
Analysis List – Throughout
your searching activities on Mergent Online, you will have many
opportunities to add companies to your Company Analysis list. Adding companies to your company
analysis list will allow you to later compare the companies you’ve
added based off similarities or differences other than industry
- Save
Company Analysis List –
If you would like to save the list you have created over the time you’ve
spent on Mergent Online to return to at a later time, click the Save
Company Analysis List link below the list box. You will be prompted to enter your
e-mail address. Once you have
entered your e-mail you will be asked to label the report with a name.
Use a name that will remind you what companies are in the list. Note:
Do not forget what e-mail address you enter. All information you save on Mergent
Online will be saved based on the e-mail address you enter. Once you
have entered an e-mail address into the system, Mergent Online will
assume that you wish to use that e-mail address for all activity on
Mergent Online for that session. If you use multiple e-mail addresses you will have to log out of
Mergent Online in order to clear the e-mail and enter a new
- Load
Company Analysis List – If
you would like to load a list you have previously created (or that was
previously created for you), click the Load Company Analysis List link
below the list box. You will be
prompted to enter your e-mail address.
- Once you enter you e-mail, you will be taken to the
Company Analysis List Load page.
Here you will be able to review your previously saved lists.
- To delete list items
click the check box beside the desired item and click Delete.
- Click (All) to select all
lists by automatically checking the boxes beside them. Click Delete to delete all lists.
- To load a list, click the
name of the list. A message
box will appear telling you that list was loaded, and you will be
returned to the My Mergent Tools: Company Analysis List page. Note: You cannot load more than one Company Analysis List at a
- Clear
All – You may delete items on
your Company Analysis list by clicking the X beside individual company
names. Alternatively, you may
clear the entire list by clicking the Clear All link below the list
- Company
Comparison List – Add
items from your Company Analysis List to the Company Comparison List for
creating Comparison Reports.
- Click on a company name and click the > to add a
single company to the list.
- When you click a company name in the list, it will
remain selected until you click it again to deselect it. This will allow you to select
multiple companies at one time and add more than one to your list with
one step. Once you have all the
desired companies selected, click > to add them to the Comparison
- Repeat the above process with the companies in your
Comparison List if you wish to remove unwanted items accidentally
added to the list by this time using the < button.
- Select
Data Items List - Click
next the category of interest (Company
Details, Pricing Information, Company Financials, Executives and News)
to expand downward a list of sub-categories.
- Select a sub-category item and click the > button to add the item
to the Report Items list
- You can select more than one item at a time by
clicking on multiple data points before clicking the > button. Once you have all the items of
interest, then click >
and the batch items will add to your Report Items list box for you to organize.
- Repeat the above steps for any other item you wish
to add to the report.
- To add all items available in the Select Data Items
List, click the >> button.
- Report
Items List - To remove an item from a
report, select it in the Report
Items list box and choose the < button.
- Remove all items from the Report Items List by
clicking the << button.
- Save
Report Template - If
you would like to save the report items list you have created to
return to at a later time, click the Save Report Template link below
the list box. You will be
prompted to enter your e-mail address.
Once you have entered your e-mail you will be asked to label
the report template with a name. Use a name that will remind you what items
are in your list. Note: Do not forget what e-mail
address you enter. All
information you save on Mergent Online will be saved based on the
e-mail address you enter. Once you have entered an e-mail address into
the system, Mergent Online will assume that you wish to use that
e-mail address for all activity on Mergent Online for that session. If
you use multiple e-mail addresses you
will have to log out of Mergent Online in order to clear the
e-mail and enter a new one.
- Load
Report Template - If you
would like to load a template you have previously created (or that was
previously created for you), click the Load Report Template link below
the list box. You will be
prompted to enter your e-mail address.
- Once you enter you e-mail, you will be taken to the
Report Template Load page. Here
you will be able to review your previously saved templates.
- To delete a template
click the check box beside the desired item and click Delete.
- Click (All) to select all
templates by automatically checking the boxes beside them. Click Delete to delete all templates.
- To load a template, click
the name of the template. A
message box will appear telling you that template was loaded, and
you will be returned to the My Mergent Tools: Company Analysis List
page. Note: You cannot load more than one Report
Template at a time.
- Select a format from the Select a Format drop-down menu.
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- When ready, choose Create Multiple Company Report
to start the report generation process.
This will display a report in a window. A discussion of the features
available in this window is given below.
- Viewing
the Report - The following features are
available in Multiple Company Report window:
- The report can be printed using the Print button
within the HTML report or the print feature in Word, Excel, or Acrobat
- When finished, choose the Close button to
remove the Report Window.
- Executives
The number of executives currently
in your Executive List are displayed in parenthesis, (…).
- Click the
next to the Executive List tool to
expand the list and view the Executives in your list by name. Click the icon again to contract the
- Click the Executive List link to open your My Mergent
Tools: Executive List page. Here
you will be able to customize the executives in your list by adding and
removing freely as well as creating comparison reports.
- My
Mergent Tools: Executive List Page – You
will notice upon opening the page that there are 4 large list boxes on
the page. The top two boxes are
your full Executive List as well as an Executive Comparison List. The bottom two boxes allow you to
select reporting items and the subsequent list of those items you select
as desired when creating your comparison report.
- Executive
List – Throughout your searching activities
on Mergent Online, you will have many opportunities to add executives
to your Executive list. Adding executives
to your Executive List will allow you to later compare the executives
you’ve added.
- Save
Executive List – If
you would like to save the list you have created over the time you’ve
spent on Mergent Online to return to at a later time, click the Save Executive
List link below the list box.
You will be prompted to enter your e-mail address. Once you have entered your e-mail
you will be asked to label the list with a name. Use a name that will
remind you what executives are in the list. Note:
Do not forget what e-mail address you enter. All information you save on Mergent
Online will be saved based on the e-mail address you enter. Once you
have entered an e-mail address into the system, Mergent Online will
assume that you wish to use that e-mail address for all activity on
Mergent Online for that session. If you use multiple e-mail addresses you will have to log out of
Mergent Online in order to clear the e-mail and enter a new
- Load
Executive List – If you
would like to load a list you have previously created (or that was
previously created for you), click the Load Executive List link below
the list box. You will be
prompted to enter your e-mail address.
- Once you enter you e-mail, you will be taken to the
Executive List Load page. Here
you will be able to review your previously saved lists.
- To delete list items
click the check box beside the desired item and click Delete.
- Click (All) to select all
lists by automatically checking the boxes beside them. Click Delete to delete all lists.
- To load a list, click the
name of the list. A message
box will appear telling you that list was loaded, and you will be
returned to the My Mergent Tools: Executive List page. Note: You cannot load more than one Executive List at a time.
- Clear
All – You may delete items on
your Executive list by clicking the X beside individual executive
names. Alternatively, you may
clear the entire list by clicking the Clear All link below the list
- Executive
Comparison List – Add
items from your Executive List to the Executive Comparison List for creating
Comparison Reports.
- Click on an executive name and click the > to
add a single executive to the list.
- When you click an executive name in the list, it
will remain selected until you click it again to deselect it. This will allow you to select
multiple executives at one time and add more than one to your list
with one step. Once you have
all the desired executives selected, click > to add them to the
Comparison List.
- Repeat the above process with the executives in
your Comparison List if you wish to remove unwanted items accidentally
added to the list by this time using the < button.
- Select
Data Items List - Click
next the category of interest (General
Company Information, Business Description, Business Summary,
Executives, Compensation Analysis, Insider Holdings and Trades) to
expand downward a list of sub-categories.
- Select a sub-category item and click the > button to add the item
to the Report Items list
- You can select more than one item at a time by
clicking on multiple data points before clicking the > button. Once you have all the items of
interest, then click >
and the batch items will add to your Report Items list box for you to organize.
- Repeat the above steps for any other item you wish
to add to the report.
- To add all items available in the Select Data Items
List, click the >> button.
- Report
Items List - To remove an item from a
report, select it in the Report
Items list box and choose the < button.
- Remove all items from the Report Items List by
clicking the << button.
- Save
Report Template - If
you would like to save the report items list you have created to
return to at a later time, click the Save Report Template link below
the list box. You will be
prompted to enter your e-mail address.
Once you have entered your e-mail you will be asked to label
the report template with a name. Use a name that will remind you what items
are in your list. Note: Do not forget what e-mail
address you enter. All
information you save on Mergent Online will be saved based on the
e-mail address you enter. Once you have entered an e-mail address into
the system, Mergent Online will assume that you wish to use that
e-mail address for all activity on Mergent Online for that session. If
you use multiple e-mail addresses you
will have to log out of Mergent Online in order to clear the
e-mail and enter a new one.
- Load
Report Template - If you
would like to load a template you have previously created (or that was
previously created for you), click the Load Report Template link below
the list box. You will be
prompted to enter your e-mail address.
- Once you enter you e-mail, you will be taken to the
Report Template Load page. Here
you will be able to review your previously saved templates.
- To delete a template
click the check box beside the desired item and click Delete.
- Click (All) to select all
templates by automatically checking the boxes beside them. Click Delete to delete all templates.
- To load a template, click
the name of the template. A
message box will appear telling you that template was loaded, and
you will be returned to the My Mergent Tools: Executive List page. Note: You cannot load more than one Report Template at a time.
- Select a format from the Select a Format drop-down menu.
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- When ready, choose Create Executive Company Report
to start the report generation process.
This will display a report in a window. A discussion of the features
available in this window is given below.
- Viewing
the Report - The following features are
available in Multiple Executive Report window:
- The report can be printed using the Print button
within the HTML report or the print feature in Word, Excel, or Acrobat
- When finished, choose the Close button to
remove the Report Window.
- Current
The number of companies or executives currently in your Executive or
Company Alerts are displayed in parenthesis, (…).
- Click the
next to the Company or Executive Alerts
List tools to expand the lists and view the companies and executives in
your list by name. Click the icon
again to contract the list.
- Clicking either the Company or Executive Alert links
will open your My Mergent Tools: Current Alerts List page. Here you will be able to customize the
companies and executives for which you receive alerts, the preferences
for your alerts, as well as see a summary of the saved lists and report
templates for your Company Analysis and Executives Lists.
- My
Mergent Tools: Current Alert List – You
will notice upon opening the page that the page options differ somewhat
from those on the Company Analysis and Executive List pages.
- Alert
Preferences – Here you will see the
e-mail addresses you have entered for which you have saved lists and
set alerts previously while visiting Mergent Online.
- Click Edit
beside an individual e-mail to change or edit the set e-mail.
- Click the X beside an e-mail to delete it from the
- Click Save
to save your changes.
- Current
Alert List – All previously set alerts
will appear in the list. A
different entry will exist for specific alert types.
- Click the name of the company or executive already
in the list to edit the alert preferences.
- On the new page you will
be able to set Price Alerts, Executive Alerts, Edgar Alerts,
Corporate Event Alerts, and Corporate Calendar Alerts by clicking the
check boxes beside the items of interest.
- When finished, click save.
- Click cancel to return to the Current Alerts List page without
making changes.
- To delete list items click the check box beside the
desired item and click Delete.
- Click (All)
to select all lists by automatically checking the boxes beside
them. Click Delete to delete all lists.
- List – You can quickly access previously saved Report
Templates and Company Analysis and Executive Lists as well as load or
delete these.
- To delete list or report template items click the
check box beside the desired item and click Delete.
- Click (All)
to select all lists by automatically checking the boxes beside
them. Click Delete to delete all lists or
report templates.
- To load a list or report template, click the name
of the list or template. You
will be redirected to either the My Mergent Tools: Company Analysis
List page or the Executive List page. Note: You cannot
load more than one list or template at a time.
§ Add
Alert – If you would like to
search for another company by name to add an alert for, but do not want to
return to the search pages, simply type the company’s name or ticker symbol
into the text box at the top of the page.
A window will automatically display as you type to show you the matches
available for the letters or names you type.
Click on a specific company to go directly to that company’s alert list
preference page where you can set alert items as detailed above.