Citing Mergent Online as a Source

Since many of our users are students utilizing Mergent Online for the purpose of research projects, we have added a citation guide to help you in using proper citation techniques when citing our database. 



For MLA format use the standard for citing an entire website unless citing a specific article from any of the News sources on Mergent Online: Begin with the name of the author, editor, or corporate author (if known) and the title of the site, italicized. Then give the sponsor and the date of publication or last update. End with the medium and your date of access.


We will use corporate author since there are no authors or editors listed for the Mergent Online database.  If your instructor requires a URL for Web sources, include the URL, enclosed in angle brackets, at the end of the entry. If you must divide a URL at the end of a line in a works cited entry, break it after a slash. Do not insert a hyphen.


Mergent, Inc. Mergent Online. Clemson University Library, 4 Dec. 2009. Web. 4 Dec. 2009.



·         Space only once after each period

·         For the “Sponsor” (we used Clemson University Library) use the organization that allowed you access to the Mergent Online database.

·         The “date of publication” or “last update” for Mergent Online will almost always be the date you access the site since much of the database, with the exception of reports and news files, is updated daily if not on the hour. 

·         Your access medium will always be “Web”

·         For the URL: Use the specific url of the page within MOL you are citing. Please note, however, that whoever is checking your citations will not be able to access that specific page without access to the Mergent Online database.


Work from a database: Use the citation standards below if you are citing one of the news articles you found on the Mergent Online website.  For sources retrieved from a library's subscription database, first list the publication information for the source (see below). Then give the name of the database, italicized; the medium; and your date of access.

Johnson, Kirk. "The Mountain Lions of Michigan." Endangered Species
Update 19.2 (2002): 27-31. Mergent Online. Web. 26
Nov. 2008.

Barrera, Rebeca María. "A Case for Bilingual Education." Scholastic
Parent and Child Nov.-Dec. 2004: 72-73. Mergent Online.
Web. 1 Feb. 2009.

Williams, Jeffrey J. "Why Today's Publishing World Is Reprising the
Past." Chronicle of Higher Education 13 June 2008: 8+. Mergent Online. Web. 29 Sept. 2008.


ARTICLE IN A MAGAZINE If the magazine is issued monthly, give just the month and year.

Fay, J. Michael. "Land of the Surfing Hippos." National Geographic Aug.
2004: 100+. Print.

If the magazine is issued weekly, give the exact date.

Lord, Lewis. "There's Something about Mary Todd." US News and World
Report 19 Feb. 2001: 53. Print.

ARTICLE IN A JOURNAL PAGINATED BY VOLUME Give both volume and issue numbers for all journals, even those with pagination that continues through all issues of the volume. Separate the volume and issue numbers with a period.

Ryan, Katy. "Revolutionary Suicide in Toni Morrison's Fiction." African
American Review 34.3 (2000): 389-412. Print.

ARTICLE IN A JOURNAL PAGINATED BY ISSUE Give both volume and issue numbers, separated with a period.

Wood, Michael. "Broken Dates: Fiction and the Century." Kenyon Review
22.3 (2000): 50-64. Print.

ARTICLE IN A DAILY NEWSPAPER Include the section letter if it is part of the page number in the newspaper.

Brummitt, Chris. "Indonesia's Food Needs Expected to Soar." Boston
Globe 1 Feb. 2005: A7. Print.

If the section is marked with a number rather than a letter, handle the entry as follows:

Wilford, John Noble. "In a Golden Age of Discovery, Faraway Worlds
Beckon." New York Times 9 Feb. 1997, late ed., sec. 1: 1+. Print.

When an edition of the newspaper is specified on the masthead, name the edition (eastern ed., late ed., natl. ed., and so on), as in the example just given.

If the city of publication is not obvious, include it in brackets after the name of the newspaper: Courier-Journal [Louisville].


EDITORIAL IN A NEWSPAPER Cite an editorial as you would an article with an unknown author, adding the word "Editorial" after the title.

"All Wet." Editorial. Boston Globe 12 Feb. 2001: A14. Print.

Industry, Equity, and other Mergent Online Reports: If citing a report from the Mergent Online database that does not qualify as an article like the above, use the short works standard for MLA documentation.  Short works are articles, poems, and other documents that are not book length or that appear as internal pages on a Web site. Include the following elements: author's name (for Mergent Online reports, there will be no author); title of the short work, in quotation marks; title of the site, italicized; sponsor of the site; date of publication or last update; medium; and your date of access.

Author unknown

"North America Industry Report: Banking." Mergent Online. Clemson University Library, Oct. 2006.
Web. 7 Feb. 2009.



In most cases you will use the following to cite Mergent Online as your source if you are using APA style.  APA refers to non-peer-reviewed work, such as reports, brochures, fact sheets, press releases, and newsletter articles as “gray literature.” List as many of the following elements as are available.

Author’s name

Date of publication (if there is no date, use “n.d.”)

Title of document (in italics)

A URL that will take readers directly to the source

Give your date of access only if the source itself has no date.


(2006, October). North America Industry Report: Banking. Retrieved January 15, 2007, from


Archer, D. (n.d.). Exploring nonverbal communication. Retrieved July
18, 2001, from


If a source has no author, begin with the title and follow it with the date in parentheses.

If you retrieved the source from a university program’s Web site, name the program in your retrieval statement.


Cosmides, L., & Tooby, J. (1997). Evolutionary psychology: A primer.
Retrieved from the University of California, Santa
Barbara, University Library Web site:


If you are accessing Mergent Online and using News articles provided on the company pages use the following: To cite an article from a library’s subscription database, include the publication information from the source (see below).  Include the name of the database and the document number assigned by the database, if any.


Howard, K. R. (2007). Microsoft Announces Merger. The Economist, 23(2), 73-79. Retrieved from Mergent Online database. (2007-05057-003)


ARTICLE IN A JOURNAL PAGINATED BY VOLUME Many professional journals continue page numbers throughout the year instead of beginning each issue with page 1; at the end of the year, the issues are collected in a volume. After the italicized title of the journal, give the volume number (also italicized), followed by the page numbers.


Morawski, J. (2000). Social psychology a century ago. American
Psychologist, 55, 427–431.

ARTICLE IN A JOURNAL PAGINATED BY ISSUE When each issue of a journal begins with page 1, include the issue number in parentheses after the volume number. Italicize the volume number but not the issue number.


Smith, S. (2003). Government and nonprofits in the modern age.
Society, 40(4), 36–45.

 ARTICLE IN A MAGAZINE In addition to the year of publication, list the month and, for weekly magazines, the day. If there is a volume number, include it (italicized) after the title.


Raloff, J. (2001, May 12). Lead therapy won’t help most kids. Science
News, 15, 292.

ARTICLE IN A NEWSPAPER Begin with the name of the author followed by the exact date of publication. Page numbers are introduced with “p.” (or “pp.”).


Lohr, S. (2004, December 3). Health care technology is a promise
unfinanced. The New York Times, p. C5.

