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MGM China Holdings Ltd. (NBB: MCHV Y)+ to Company Analysis List
Address: Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen,Edificio MGM Macau,NAPE,Macao  |  Phone: (853) 8802 8888  |  Fax: (853) 8802 3333  |  Company Website: www.mgmchinaholdings.com

Incorporated: July 2010 , Cayman Islands

Auditor: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Legal Counsel: DSL Lawyers,Herbert Smith Freehiils

Transfer Agent: Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, Wanchai, Hong Kong,Intertrust Corporate Services (Cayman) Limited, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

Country:  Cayman Islands

Industry: Casinos and Gambling (ICB 40501020)

Industry: Hotels and motels (SIC 7011)

Industry: Casino Hotels (NAICS 721120)

Number of Employees: 11,092 (Year End Average Staff as of 12/31/2019)

Revenue: 24,684,210,000

Net Income: 2,638,304,000

Dividend: 0.9263    Dividend Yield: 5.2185

EPS Basic: 0.694    EPS Diluted: 0.692

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Long Term Debt
Dec. 31, 2019, HK$16,604,526,000 (excluding current portion and including debt finance costs of HK$282,544,000) comprised of:

-- 01 -- HK$11,529,358,000 unsecured senior notes, bearing interest of 5.375% to 5.875%, due May 2024 to May 2026.

-- 02 -- HK$5,075,168,000 unsecured credit facility repayable, bearing interest of HIBOR + margin 1.625% to 2.75%, due May 2024.