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Allied Healthcare Products Inc (NBB: AHPI Q)+ to Company Analysis List
Address: 1720 Sublette Avenue,St. Louis, MO 63110 United States  |  Phone: 314 771-2400  |  Company Website: www.alliedhpi.com

Incorporated: 1979 , DE, United States

IRS Number: 231370721

Auditor: RubinBrown LLP

Country:  United States

Industry: Medical Equipment (ICB 20102010)

Industry: Surgical appliances and supplies (SIC 3842)

Industry: Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing (NAICS 339112)

Number of Employees: 146 (Approximate Full-Time as of 06/30/2022)

Number of Shareholders: 34 (record) (as of 09/14/2022)

Market Cap: 401

Revenue: 27,046,587

Net Income: -5,361,428

EPS Basic: -1.34    EPS Diluted: -1.34

Synopsis Highlights History Business Property Subsidiaries Long term debt Capital stock Earnings estimates Business segments
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Displaying 1-1 (Select abbreviation to view details screen)

AbbreviationDescriptionStructure TypeExchangeTickerMarket Cap
Com (New)Com (New)CommonNBBAHPI Q401