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Allied Healthcare Products Inc (NBB: AHPI Q)+ to Company Analysis List
Address: 1720 Sublette Avenue,St. Louis, MO 63110 United States  |  Phone: 314 771-2400  |  Company Website: www.alliedhpi.com

Incorporated: 1979 , DE, United States

IRS Number: 231370721

Auditor: RubinBrown LLP

Country:  United States

Industry: Medical Equipment (ICB 20102010)

Industry: Surgical appliances and supplies (SIC 3842)

Industry: Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing (NAICS 339112)

Number of Employees: 146 (Approximate Full-Time as of 06/30/2022)

Number of Shareholders: 34 (record) (as of 09/14/2022)

Market Cap: 401

Revenue: 27,046,587

Net Income: -5,361,428

EPS Basic: -1.34    EPS Diluted: -1.34

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Co. maintains its principal executive offices in an approx. 242,000 sq. ft. of leased space in St. Louis, MO, which also houses its medical gas equipment, respiratory care products, and emergency medical products.

Co. owns approx. 30,000 sq. ft. of space in Stuyvesant Falls, NY for its carbon dioxide absorbent products. In addition, Co. owns a 16.8-acre parcel of undeveloped land in Stuyvesant Falls, NY.

Principal Executive Offices
1720 Sublette Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
United States