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MapInfo Corp. (NMS: MAPS) (inactive)+ to Company Analysis List
Address: One Global View,Troy, NY 12180 United States  |  Phone: 518 285-6000  |  Fax: 518 285-6060  |  Company Website: www.mapinfo.com

Incorporated: 1986 , NY, United States

Reincorporated: November 1997 , DE, United States

IRS Number: 061166630

Auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Legal Counsel: Hale and Dorr LLP

Country:  United States

Industry: Prepackaged software (SIC 7372)

Industry: Software Publishers (NAICS 513210)

Number of Employees: 903 (Total Full-Time as of 09/30/2006)

Number of Shareholders: 473 (approx.) (as of 12/08/2006)

Market Cap: 437,568,490

Revenue: 168,595,000

Net Income: 9,985,000

EPS Basic: 0.47    EPS Diluted: 0.46

PE Ratio: 44.0652

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Corporate Governance & Nominating Committee

Joni Kahn
Simon Orebi Gann
Thomas Massie