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Ability Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TAI: 2374)+ to Company Analysis List
Address: 5/F., No. 8, Lane 7, Wuquan Road,Wugu District,New Taipei City, 248 Taiwan  |  Phone: (886) 2 2299 9898  |  Fax: (886) 2 2299 9797  |  Company Website: www.abilitycorp.com.tw

Incorporated: May 1965 , Taiwan

CINS: Y0008P10

Auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan

Transfer Agent: CTBC Bank Co., Ltd., Agency Department, Taipei, Taiwan

Country:  Taiwan

Industry: Photography (ICB 40203060)

Industry: Optical instruments and lenses (SIC 3827)

Industry: Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing (NAICS 333310)

Number of Employees: 674 (Year End Average Staff as of 12/31/2016)

Number of Shareholders: 47,727 (as of 04/25/2017)

Revenue: 11,005,824,000

Net Income: 386,250,000

EPS Basic: 1.39    EPS Diluted: 1.38

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