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Absci Corp (NMS: ABSI)+ to Company Analysis List
Address: 18105 SE Mill Plain Blvd,Vancouver , WA 98683 United States  |  Phone: 360 949-1041  |  Company Website: www.absci.com

Incorporated: August 2011 , OR, United States

Reincorporated: April 2016 , DE, United States

Auditor: Ernst & Young LLP

Legal Counsel: Goodwin Procter LLP

Transfer Agent: Computershare Trust Company, N.A., Canton, MA

Country:  United States

Industry: Biotechnology (ICB 20103010)

Industry: Commercial physical research (SIC 8731)

Industry: Research and Development in Nanotechnology (NAICS 541713)

Number of Employees: 193 (Total Full-Time as of 12/31/2022)

Number of Shareholders: 54 (record) (as of 03/15/2023)

Market Cap: 440,597,280

Revenue: 3,250,000

Net Income: -92,264,000

EPS Basic: -0.93    EPS Diluted: -0.93

SEC filings (US filings) SEDAR (Canadian filings)
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Results are the first 25 filings from the last 90 days.
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Results - select format to view filing.     Select Add to Batch to add the filing to the Batch Printing list to download/print multiple filings at once
Filing Type Filing Date Filing Size Accession Number View Documents Select Section (View In Text Only)
4 09/04/202411kb0001672688-24-000036 HTML format Microsoft Word format Microsoft Excel format Adobe Acrobat format (pdf) Add to Batch
8-K 09/04/2024156kb0001628280-24-039225 HTML format Microsoft Word format Microsoft Excel format Adobe Acrobat format (pdf) Add to Batch
10-Q 08/14/20246108kb0001628280-24-037193 HTML format Microsoft Word format Microsoft Excel format Adobe Acrobat format (pdf) Add to Batch
8-K 08/14/20248480kb0001628280-24-037183 HTML format Microsoft Word format Microsoft Excel format Adobe Acrobat format (pdf) Add to Batch