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AMEC Foster Wheeler PLC (NYS: AMFW) (inactive)+ to Company Analysis List
Address: Old Change House,128 Queen Victoria Street,London, EC4V 4BJ United Kingdom  |  Phone: (44) 20 7429 7500  |  Company Website: www.amecfw.com

Incorporated: November 1982 , United Kingdom

Auditor: KPMG LLP

Transfer Agent: Capita Asset Services, Beckenham, Kent, United Kingdom

Country:  United Kingdom

Industry: Oil Equipment and Services (ICB 60101030)

Industry: Metal mining services (SIC 1081)

Industry: Support Activities for Metal Mining (NAICS 213114)

Number of Employees: 24 (Average Staff as of 12/31/2019)

Net Income: -109,000,000

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Sector Pure-Play ()  Business and Public Services  >  Business Services  >  Construction and Engineering  >  Consulting, Planning and Design  (^S266618)

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