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Advanced Medical Solutions Group PLC (LON: AMS)+ to Company Analysis List
Address: Premier Park,33 Road One,Winsford Industrial Estate,Winsford, CW7 3RT United Kingdom  |  Phone: (44) 1606 863500  |  Fax: (44) 1606 863600  |  Company Website: www.admedsol.com

Incorporated: United Kingdom

CINS: G0098X10

Auditor: Deloitte LLP

Legal Counsel: Marks & Clerk,Foley & Lardner LLC

Transfer Agent: Link Registrars, Beckenham, Kent, United Kingdom

Country:  United Kingdom

Industry: Medical Supplies (ICB 20102015)

Industry: Surgical and medical instruments (SIC 3841)

Industry: Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing (NAICS 339112)

Number of Employees: 719 (Average Staff as of 12/31/2021)

Revenue: 126,210,000

Net Income: 15,889,000

Dividend: 0.0236

EPS Basic: 0.0736    EPS Diluted: 0.0725

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Focused ()  Healthcare  >  Medical Devices  (^MDDVI)

Company: Product/Service List  >  Advanced Medical Solutions - Peters Surgical - Ifabond Surgical Glue
Medical Devices2377
General Surgery225
Surgical-Site Treatments73